interactive poster design,

Kolektivka — A Collective Game  

Together with Jovana Đukić, we’ve created a series of posters called Kolektivka / A Collective Game. The project playfully explores the relationship between humans and the consequences of our everyday actions, which, although sometimes seeming small and insignificant, affect the flow of everyone’s lives and our sense of belonging to the whole. We see the creation of community as the ability of each individual to lend a hand to a fellow human being at a crucial moment.

Our playful posters, which invited passers-by to add and remove sticker elements, explored the idea of how our participation in marked moments can be important and help shape the lives of those around us.

“If today you interact with the posters by moving the elements, tomorrow the picture will be different—because your fellow residents have interacted with it. The three posters are, therefore, a reminder that small movements and actions co-create everyone’s community landscape.”
The posters were exhibited at UGLJ — TAM TAM Street Gallery in the summer of 2023.

Ljubljana, 2023

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